35REFERENCEHighway PageUsing the Highway PageThe GPS 126/128’s Highway Page provides graphicsteering guidance to a destination waypoint, with agreater emphasis on the straight-line desired course andthe distance and direction you are off course. The bear-ing and distance to a waypoint–along with your currenttrack and speed–are displayed at the top of the screen.The middle of the screen provides visual guidanceto your waypoint on a moving graphic “highway.” Yourpresent position is represented by the diamond in thecenter of the CDI scale. The line down the middle ofthe highway represents your desired track. As you navi-gate toward a waypoint, the highway will actuallymove—indicating the direction you’re off course—rela-tive to the position diamond on the CDI scale. Whenthe highway is pointing straight up the screen, the way-point is directly ahead. If the destination waypoint is tothe left, the top of the highway will lead to the left, andvice versa. To stay on course, simply steer in the direc-tion the highway leads (left or right) until the highwayleads straight up the page.Below the graphic highway is the “pointer.” Thepointer shows the direction of the waypoint relative tothe direction you are moving.Below the pointer are two user-selectable fields.If you do get off the desired course by more than1/5th of the selected CDI range, the exact distance youare off course will be displayed where the CDI scale set-ting normally appears. If you get too far off course (thehighway has disappeared), a message box will appear toindicate what course to steer to get back on course. (Forinformation on setting this scale, see pg. 48.) When thedistance reading reaches 0, you’ve reached your destina-tion .Bearing toWaypointGraphicHighwayCDI ScaleDistance toWaypointUser Selectable FieldsSpeed OverGroundTrack OverGroundDestinationWaypointIn this example, theHighway Page indicatesthat you are off course tothe left. Steer right to getback on course. Notice thehighway always shows thedirection to turn. If thehighway leads straight upthe page, you should con-tinue in your currentdirection.If you get too far offcourse, a message box willappear to indicate whatcourse to steer to get backon course most efficiently.Pointer