GE Multilin N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System 5-1755 SETTINGS 5.7 INPUTS/OUTPUTS55.7.8 RESETTINGPATH: SETTINGS ÖØ INPUTS/OUTPUTS ÖØ RESETTINGSome events can be programmed to latch the faceplate LED event indicators and the target message on the display. Onceset, the latching mechanism will hold all of the latched indicators or messages in the set state after the initiating conditionhas cleared until a RESET command is received to return these latches (not including FlexLogic™ latches) to the resetstate. The RESET command can be sent from the faceplate Reset button, a remote device via a communications channel,or any programmed operand.When the RESET command is received by the relay, two FlexLogic™ operands are created. These operands, which arestored as events, reset the latches if the initiating condition has cleared. The three sources of RESET commands each cre-ate the RESET OP FlexLogic™ operand. Each individual source of a RESET command also creates its individual operandRESET OP (PUSHBUTTON), RESET OP (COMMS) or RESET OP (OPERAND) to identify the source of the command. The settingshown above selects the operand that will create the RESET OP (OPERAND) operand.5.7.9 DIRECT INPUTS/OUTPUTSa) DIRECT INPUTSPATH: SETTINGS ÖØ INPUTS/OUTPUTS ÖØ DIRECT INPUTS Ö DIRECT INPUT 1(64)These settings specify how the direct input information is processed. The DIRECT INPUT 1 NAME setting allows the user toassign a descriptive name to the direct input. The DIRECT INPUT 1 DEVICE ID represents the source of direct input 1. Thespecified direct input is driven by the device identified here.The DIRECT INPUT 1 BIT NUMBER is the bit number to extract the state for direct input 1. Direct Input 1 is driven by the bitidentified as DIRECT INPUT 1 BIT NUMBER. This corresponds to the direct output number of the sending device.The DIRECT INPUT 1 DEFAULT STATE represents the state of the direct input when the associated direct device is offline. Thefollowing choices are available:• Setting DIRECT INPUT 1 DEFAULT STATE to “On” value defaults the input to Logic 1.• Setting DIRECT INPUT 1 DEFAULT STATE to “Off” value defaults the input to Logic 0.• Setting DIRECT INPUT 1 DEFAULT STATE to “Latest/On” freezes the input in case of lost communications. If the lateststate is not known, such as after relay power-up but before the first communication exchange, the input will default toLogic 1. When communication resumes, the input becomes fully operational.• Setting DIRECT INPUT 1 DEFAULT STATE to “Latest/Off” freezes the input in case of lost communications. If the lateststate is not known, such as after relay power-up but before the first communication exchange, the input will default toLogic 0. When communication resumes, the input becomes fully operational. RESETTINGRESET OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operand DIRECT INPUT 1DIRECT INPUT 1NAME: Dir Ip 1Range: up to 12 alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE DIRECT INPUT 1DEVICE ID: 1Range: 1 to 16MESSAGE DIRECT INPUT 1BIT NUMBER: 1Range: 1 to 64MESSAGE DIRECT INPUT 1DEFAULT STATE: OffRange: On, Off, Latest/On, Latest/OffMESSAGE DIRECT INPUT 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled