GE Multilin N60 Network Stability and Synchrophasor Measurement System 5-1535 SETTINGS 5.6 CONTROL ELEMENTS55.6.11 DIGITIZERSPATH: SETTINGS ÖØ CONTROL ELEMENTS ÖØ DIGITIZERS Ö DIGITIZER 1(5)There are five (5) digitizer elements. The digitizer truncates the input signal to user-specified symmetrical limits and digi-tizes the outcome with an 8-bit resolution. The basic operation of the element is described by the following equations:(EQ 5.13)(EQ 5.14)where: x is an input signal specified by the DIGITIZER 1(5) SOURCE settingLIMIT is defined by the DIGITIZER 1(5) LIMIT settinground is an operand that rounds up to the nearest integerNout is an integer output of the digitizer (from –127 to 127)The output characteristic of the digitizer element is illustrated below:Figure 5–72: DIGITIZER OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICThe output integer number is represented by eight (8) FlexLogic™ operands encoding the input value per the followingconvention:(EQ 5.15)The output operands can be configured to drive relay outputs, such as remote outputs, direct outputs, contact outputs, orany combination of these, in order to relay the analog quantity to other UR-series IEDs for further processing.The digitizer averages the signal prior to digitization for increased accuracy. The extra filtering is in effect only under steady-state conditions or during slow changes of the input value. When the input signal changes significantly, the filtering isremoved to maintain the response speed of the element. DIGITIZER 1DIGITIZER 1FUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE DIGITIZER 1 SOURCE:OffRange: Off, any FlexAnalog parameterMESSAGE DIGITIZER 1LIMIT: 1.000 puRange: 0.050 to 90.000 pu in steps of 0.001x truncatedLIMIT if x LIMIT–<,–LIMIT if x LIMIT>,x otherwise,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧=N out round x truncatedLIMIT------------------------ 127×⎝ ⎠⎛ ⎞=842741A2.CDRSOURCEDIGITIZEDVALUE-LIMITLIMITFULL SCALE127–127N out 1–( )b7 2 6b6 2 5b5 2 4b4 2 3b3 2 2b2 2 1b1 2 0b0+ + + + + +( )×=