GE Multilin G60 Generator Protection System 5-2715 SETTINGS 5.7 CONTROL ELEMENTS55.7.9 SYNCHROCHECKa) SETTINGSPATH: SETTINGS CONTROL ELEMENTS SYNCHROCHECK SYNCHROCHECK 1(4)There are four identical synchrocheck elements available, numbered 1 to 4.The synchronism check function is intended for supervising the paralleling of two parts of a system which are to be joinedby the closure of a circuit breaker. The synchrocheck elements are typically used at locations where the two parts of thesystem are interconnected through at least one other point in the system.Synchrocheck verifies that the voltages (V1 and V2) on the two sides of the supervised circuit breaker are within set limitsof magnitude, angle and frequency differences. The time that the two voltages remain within the admissible angle differ-ence is determined by the setting of the phase angle difference ΔΦ and the frequency difference ΔF (slip frequency). It canbe defined as the time it would take the voltage phasor V1 or V2 to traverse an angle equal to 2 × ΔΦ at a frequency equalto the frequency difference ΔF. This time can be calculated by:(EQ 5.47) SYNCHROCHECK 1SYNCHK1 FUNCTION:DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE SYNCHK1 BLOCK:OffRange: FlexLogic operandMESSAGE SYNCHK1 V1 SOURCE:SRC 1Range: SRC 1, SRC 2, SRC 3, SRC 4MESSAGE SYNCHK1 V2 SOURCE:SRC 2Range: SRC 1, SRC 2, SRC 3, SRC 4MESSAGE SYNCHK1 MAX VOLTDIFF: 10000 VRange: 0 to 400000 V in steps of 1MESSAGE SYNCHK1 MAX ANGLEDIFF: 30°Range: 0 to 100° in steps of 1MESSAGE SYNCHK1 MAX FREQDIFF: 1.00 HzRange: 0.00 to 2.00 Hz in steps of 0.01MESSAGE SYNCHK1 MAX FREQHYSTERESIS: 0.06 HzRange: 0.00 to 0.10 Hz in steps of 0.01MESSAGE SYNCHK1 DEAD SOURCESELECT: LV1 and DV2Range: None, LV1 and DV2, DV1 and LV2, DV1 or DV2,DV1 Xor DV2, DV1 and DV2MESSAGE SYNCHK1 DEAD V1MAX VOLT: 0.30 puRange: 0.00 to 1.25 pu in steps of 0.01MESSAGE SYNCHK1 DEAD V2MAX VOLT: 0.30 puRange: 0.00 to 1.25 pu in steps of 0.01MESSAGE SYNCHK1 LIVE V1MIN VOLT: 0.70 puRange: 0.00 to 1.25 pu in steps of 0.01MESSAGE SYNCHK1 LIVE V2MIN VOLT: 0.70 puRange: 0.00 to 1.25 pu in steps of 0.01MESSAGE SYNCHK1 TARGET:Self-resetRange: Self-reset, Latched, DisabledMESSAGE SYNCHK1 EVENTS:DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledT 1360°2 ΔΦ×------------------ ΔF×--------------------------------=