GE Multilin G60 Generator Protection System 3-653 HARDWARE 3.4 FIELD AND STATOR GROUND MODULES3Figure 3–73: STATOR GROUND PROTECTION SYSTEM CONNECTIONS (NGT SECONDARY ≤ 240 V)The following figure illustrates how to connect the stator ground 20 Hz generator module with the band pass filter modulewhere the NGT secondary voltage is greater than 240 V.Figure 3–74: STATOR GROUND PROTECTION SYSTEM CONNECTIONS (NGT SECONDARY > 240 V)3.4.5 UPGRADING FIRMWAREa) UPGRADING THE GPM-F FIRMWAREThe following procedure describes how the upgrade the firmware for the GPM-F modules. Do the upgrade using the frontport and one of the computer COM ports 1 to 4.6WDWRUJURXQGEDQGSDVVILOWHUPRGXOH*306%$$$6WDWRUJURXQG+]JHQHUDWRUPRGXOH*306*$$$$$$$$$$5QWR*DX[LOLDU\97$&'5$$$$%%%%%%%Stator groundband passfilter moduleGPM-S-BA1A2A3Statorground20 HzgeneratormoduleGPM-S-GA5A6A7A8A9A10A1A2A3A4Rn830757A3.CDRA4A5A6A7B1B2B3B4B5B6B7to G60auxiliary VT