Adjustment Item DescriptionSaturation Adjust the level of color saturation, in a range from subdued to vivid.Note• Click Object Adjustment to open the Object Adjustment dialog box, which allows you to select thecolor adjustment target from Image, Graphics, and Text.• MatchingYou can choose the color-matching mode and method.By adjusting the color-matching mode and method, you can make printed colors match the colors of on-screen imagesmore closely.Matching Mode Description RemarksDriver Matching Mode Enables printing of optimal color tonesusing a driver specific color profile.You should normally select this mode.ICC Matching Mode Enables color matching using ICC pro-files.Select this if you want to print by speci-fying the input profile, printer profile,and matching method in detail.This allows you to use ICC profiles fordigital cameras and scanners, ICC pro-files created using the profile creationtool, etc.Driver ICM Mode Enables color matching by the printerdriver using the ICM function of printerdriver.Select this if you want to print by onlyspecifying the matching method.Available when using Windows.Host ICM Mode Enables color matching by the host com-puter using the ICM function of Win-dows.Select this if you want to print from anapplication that supports the ICM func-tion.ColorSync Enables color matching by using theColorSync function of Mac OS.Select this if you want to perform softproofing using ColorSync before print-ing.Available when using Mac OS.Matching Method Description RemarksAuto Color-matching optimized for images,graphics, or text.The available options and their displayorder vary depending on your selectedcolor-matching mode, as well as the op-erating system.Perceptual Color-matching optimized for printingtypical photos attractively. Smooth gra-dation is a feature. This is also an easy-to-use mode when performing color ad-justment using application software.Enhanced Printing Options > Adjusting Images >Adjusting the Color in the Printer Driver iPF750252