Chapter 99-109.4.2 Detecting an Error 0006-6013iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / iR3530As part of its protective mechanism, the machine checks for the following error conditions:T-9-3ErrorcodeDetailcodeSymptom DescriptionE000 0000 The fixingtemperature fails toincrease.In the course of start-up control, thethermistor reading is less than 30 deg C 1sec after the start of power supply or isless than 70 deg C 2 sec after the start ofpower supply; the machine will identifyan error condition if any of the foregoingcontinues for 200 msec or more.E001 0000 The thermistordetectsoverheating.The thermistor detects 235 deg C for 200msec or more continuously.0001 A hardware circuitdetectsoverheating.A hardware circuit detects overheating inrelation to the thermistor (main or sub).0002 The sub thermistordetectsoverheating.The thermistor detects 295 deg C or morefor 200 msec or more continuously.E002 0000 The fixingtemperature fails toreach a specificlevel.In the course of start-up control, thethermistor detects a temperature lowerthen 115 deg C for 200 msec continuouslyafter it has detected 100 deg C; thethermistor detects a temperature less than150 deg C for 200 msec or morecontinuously after it has detected 140 degC; or, the thermistor detects a temperaturelower than 165 deg C for 20 msec or morecontinuously 1 sec after it has detected160 deg C.E003 0000 The fixingtemperature hasdropped to anabnormally lowlevel.In the course of normal temperaturecontrol, the thermistor detects atemperature lower than 140 deg C for 20msec or more continuously.