176 Chapter 11TroubleshootingPaper jams inside the machine(Duplex Transport Section).Remove the paper according to the following procedure.1. Remove the Cassette.If the paper is loaded in the Auto Sheet Feeder, remove the paper fromthe Auto Sheet Feeder.2. Stand the machine with the left side down.CautionAlways stand the machine with the left side down when standing themachine. Be careful that the right side is not down.3. Slowly pull the jammed paper out while pulling the green cover towardyou.CautionPut back the machine immediately after removing the jammed paper.4. If any paper is sticking out of the Cassette, reload the paper in theCassette.Reload paper in the Auto Sheet Feeder, if necessary.5. Insert the Cassette into the machine.6. Press [OK] on the machine.If you cannot remove the paper or if the paper tears inside the machine, orif the paper jam error continues after removing the paper, contact theCanon Customer Care Center.Landscape Credit Card-sized paperjams inside the machine.You cannot load Credit Card-sized paper in the landscape orientation.Remove the paper according to the following procedure.1. Load Credit Card-sized paper in the Auto Sheet Feeder one sheet at atime.Do not load it in the landscape orientation.2. Press [ON/OFF] on the machine to turn off the power.3. Press [ON/OFF] again on the machine to turn on the power.The paper is fed and the jammed paper is ejected accordingly.If you cannot remove the jammed paper or the error still persists, contactthe Canon Customer Care Center.Landscape 4" x 6" / 101.6 x 152.4mm media loaded in the Cassettejams inside the machine.Load 4" x 6" / 101.6 x 152.4 mm media in the portrait orientation regardlessof the print direction.Remove the paper according to the following procedure.1. Press [ON/OFF] of the machine to turn off the power.Open the Rear Cover.2. Fold a piece of plain A4- or Letter-sized paper in four, push it in until ithits the jammed paper, then pull out the paper folded in four.3. Close the Rear Cover, then press [ON/OFF] of the machine to turn on thepower.Wait until the jammed paper is automatically ejected.If you cannot remove the jammed paper or the error still persists, contactthe Canon Customer Care Center.Cause Action