Chapter 22-38MFA412) Note that basic setting 3 has been registered.᤹If you have registered basic settings, record thesettings on the service label. If you have replacedthe DC controller PCB, enter the settings recordedon the service label using 'DCCON' under 'FUNC'in service mode.᤹F-2-512.8.2 Adding the Pressureof the Cassette SeparationRoller 0002-5760CLC5100 / CLC4000If doublefeeding or pickup failure occurs duringpickup operation, change the position of the pressurespring of the separation roller:a. If doublefeeding occurs, move the hook of thespring in the direction of [A].b. If pickup failure occurs, move the hook of thespring in the direction of [B].᤹F-2-522.8.3 Adjusting thePosition of the CassettePickUp Roller ReleasingSolenoid (SL9, SL10) 0002-4816CLC5100 / CLC4000Install the solenoid so that the pickup roller arm [1]butts against the upper stay [2] when the plunger ofthe solenoid is pushed in.᤹[3]: ButtedF-2-53Variable resistor output A4/A3A4RSTMT-RSTMT-R(139.7mm) A4R(210mm) A4(297mm)[A][B][1][2][3][3]