Chapter 22-262.7 Electrical Components2.7.1 When Replacing theROM on the DCController PCB or theReader Controller PCB 0002-5855CLC5100 / CLC4000The term "eader controller" or the "DC controller"within parentheses indicates work unique to therespective PCB.1) Turn on the power switch.2) Record the settings of the user mode. (readercontroller)3) Set 'IMGREG' on the second page of theINSTALLL screen under 'FUNC' in service modefrom '1' to '0'. (DC controller)4) Turn off the power switch.5) Disconnect the power plug from the power outlet.(DC controller)You must always disconnect the power plug fromthe outlet; merely turning off the power switch willnot cut the power to the DC controller.6) Replace the ROM of the DC controller and theROM of the reader controller.7) Connect the power plug to the power outlet, andturn on the power switch.8) Execute 'FUNC > RCON > RAMCLR' in servicemode.(the power switch will automatically be off)[reader controller]9) Turn on the power switch. (('E350' will beindicated) (Rreader controller)10) Execute 'FUNC > CCD > AUTOADJ' in servicemode. (about 8 min; reader controller)11) If a projector is installed, execute 'FUNC > PROJADJ > PROJCCD' in service mode. (readercontroller)12) Compare the value in A of the service label andthe service mode value; if different, or if youreplaced the DC controller PCB as a whole,perform the steps for initializing the RAM on theDC controller PCB shown below. (DC controller) Ifyou are not clearing the RAM of the DC controllerPCB, be sure to check the setting of the following:'ADJUST>HVTRY>TR#'; then, if '3' isindicated, set it to '0'. (Be sure to do the same forzones A, B, and C.)13) Set 'IMGREG' on the panel of 'INSTALL2' under'FUNC' in service mode from '0' to '1'. (DCcontroller)14) Enter new user mode settings and the value of Bof service label. (reader controller) (If any of theservice mode settings relating to the readercontroller other than the items under B of theservice label has been changed, be sure also tochange such settings.)15) Turn off and on the power switch.16) Execute auto gradation correction, after setting'ADJUST > PASCA' in service mode to '1'.2.7.2 When Replacing theReader Controller PCB 0002-0419CLC5100 / CLC40001) Initialize the RAM on the reader controller PCB.(See the appropriate instructions.)2) Turn off and on the power switch.2.7.3 When Replacing theDC Controller PCB 0002-0420CLC5100 / CLC40001) Start service mode, and check to make sure that'DISP > BLTDRFT > BELTPOS' is 'CENTER'; ifnot, move the transfer belt to the center.2) Turn off the power switch.3) Disconnect the power plug from the power outlet.