Chapter 22-28T-2-62.7.5 Initializing the RAMon the Reader ControllerPCB 0002-5905CLC5100 / CLC40001) Record the settings of user mode.2) Execute 'FUNC>RCON>RAMCLR' in servicemode. (The power switch will automatically turnoff.)3) Turn on the power switch.4) Execute 'FUNC>CCD>AUTOADJ' in servicemode. (about 8 min)5) If a projector is installed, execute 'FUNC>PROJADJ>PROJCCD' in service mode.6) Enter any new user mode settings and the settingsrecorded in B of the service label. (If you havechanged any other service mode settings related tothe reader controller, enter such settings.)2.7.6 When Replacing theImage PositionCorrection CCD Unit 0002-0451CLC5100 / CLC40001) After replacing the image position correction CCDunit, execute 'FUNC>INSTALL (2ndscreen)>REG APER' in service mode. Thereafter,be sure to turn off and on the power switch tocorrect the image position.2.7.7 When Replacing thePaper Thickness Sensor 0002-0456CLC5100 / CLC40001) Check the settings (A through E) recorded on thelabel attached to the paper thickness sensor you arereplacing, and record them under 'SNSRRNK' onthe service label. At this time, you need not performstep 3) and the subsequent steps if the settings arethe same as the settings under 'FUNC>PTHICK>SNSRRNK' of service mode.2) Replace the power thickness sensor.3) Enter the settings you recorded on the service labelin step 1) under 'FUNC>PTHICK> SNSRRNK' inservice mode. (Each press on 'SNSRRNK' togglesthe settings A through E.)4) Check to make sure that the values of 'PTH1' and'PTH2' are identical to the values recorded on theservice label; if different, enter the correct valuesusing 'FUNCDC CON (5/5)>PTH1/2' in servicemode.5) End service mode.ADJUST Settings on PASCAL screenSettings on FEEDADJscreenSettings on ENVSET screenSettings on HVTR C/M/Y/KscreenSettings on HVSP screenSettings on HVFS screenSettings on HVEL screenFUNC Settings on DCCON screenSettings on PUPTMGscreenSettings on PTHICK screenSettings on IMGREG screenSettings on FUSER screenOPTION Settings on POPT screen(except ONSET)