6-15As in the chart shown previously, SAE 5W- 30 is best foryour vehicle. However, you can use SAE 10W- 30 if it’sgoing to be 0F (- 18C) or above. These numbers on anoil container show its viscosity, or thickness. Do not useother viscosity oils, such as SAE 20W- 50.NOTICE:Use only engine oil with the AmericanPetroleum Institute Certified For GasolineEngines starburst symbol. Failure to use therecommended oil can result in engine damagenot covered by your warranty.GM Goodwrench oil meets all the requirements foryour vehicle.If you are in an area where the temperature falls below- 20F (- 29C), consider using either an SAE 5W- 30synthetic oil or an SAE 0W- 30 oil. Both will provideeasier cold starting and better protection for your engineat extremely low temperatures.Engine Oil AdditivesDon’t add anything to your oil. The recommended oilswith the starburst symbol are all you will need for goodperformance and engine protection.When to Change Engine Oil(GM Oil Life System)Your vehicle has a computer system that lets you knowwhen to change the engine oil and filter. This is based onengine revolutions and engine temperature, and not onmileage. Based on driving conditions, the mileage atwhich an oil change will be indicated can varyconsiderably. For the oil life system to work properly,you must reset the system every time the oil is changed.When the system has calculated that oil life has beendiminished, it will indicate that an oil change isnecessary. A CHANGE ENGINE OIL message willcome on. Change your oil as soon as possible withinthe next two times you stop for fuel. It is possible that,if you are driving under the best conditions, the oil lifesystem may not indicate that an oil change is necessaryfor over a year. However, your engine oil and filter mustbe changed at least once a year and at this time thesystem must be reset. It is also important to check youroil regularly and keep it at the proper level.If the system is ever reset accidentally, you must changeyour oil at 3,000 miles (5 000 km) since your last oilchange. Remember to reset the oil life system wheneverthe oil is changed.