Battery Load ManagementThe battery load management feature is designed tomonitor the vehicle’s electrical load and determine whenthe battery is in a heavy discharge condition. Duringtimes of high electrical loading, the engine may idle at ahigher revolutions per minute (rpm) setting thannormal to make sure the battery charges. High electricalloads may occur when several of the following areon: headlamps, high beams, fog lamps, rear windowdefogger, the climate control fan at high speeds, heatedseats and engine cooling fans.If the battery continues to discharge, even with theengine idling at a higher rpm setting, some electricalloads will automatically be reduced. When this occurs,the rear window defogger may take slightly longerto clear the glass, the heated seats may not get as warmas they usually do and the fan may cut back to alower speed. For more battery saving information, see“Battery Saver Active Message” under DIC Warningsand Messages on page 3-60.Inadvertent Power Battery SaverThis feature is designed to protect your vehicle’s batteryagainst drainage from the interior lamps, trunk lamp,glove box lamp, or the garage door opener. When theignition is turned off, the power to these features willautomatically turn off after 10 minutes (three minutes ifa new car has 15 miles (24 km) or less). Power willbe restored for an additional 10 minutes if any door isopened, the trunk is opened or the courtesy lamp switchis turned on.Night Vision SystemIf your vehicle is equipped with the Night Vision System,it can help you see better when you drive at night.The system works by sensing heat given off by objectsin its field of view. Warmer objects, such as pedestrians,animals, and other moving vehicles, will appearwhiter. Colder objects, such as the sky, signs, andparked vehicles, will appear darker.3-22