Black plate (28,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V (Europe LHD) Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 6/26/122-28 Keys, Doors, and WindowsInterior MirrorsAutomatic DimmingRearview MirrorAdjustmentHold the rearview mirror in thecentre and move it to view the areabehind the vehicle.Automatic Dimming RearviewMirrorThe vehicle has an automaticdimming inside rearview mirror. Themirror will automatically reduce theglare from the headlamps frombehind. The dimming feature comeson and the indicator light illuminateseach time the vehicle is started.If the vehicle has a rear visioncamera (RVC), see Rear VisionCamera (RVC) on page 9‑41.Cleaning the MirrorDo not spray glass cleaner directlyon the mirror. Use a soft toweldampened with water.Windows{ WARNINGNever leave a child, a helplessadult, or a pet alone in a vehicle,especially with the windowsclosed in warm or hot weather.They can be overcome by theextreme heat and sufferpermanent injuries or even deathfrom heat stroke.The vehicle aerodynamics aredesigned to improve fuel economyperformance. This may result in apulsing sound when either rearwindow is down and the frontwindows are up. To reduce thesound, open either a front windowor the sunroof (if equipped).Power Windows{ WARNINGLeaving children in a vehicle withthe keys is dangerous for manyreasons. Children or others couldbe badly injured or even killed.They could operate the powerwindows or other controls or evenmake the vehicle move. Thewindows will function and theycould be seriously injured or killedif caught in the path of a closingwindow. Do not leave keys in avehicle with children.(Continued)