Black plate (30,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V (Europe LHD) Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 6/26/1210-30 Vehicle Care. To check the P (Park)mechanism's holding ability:With the engine running, shift toP (Park). Then release theparking brake followed by theregular brake.Contact your dealer if service isrequired.Wiper Blade ReplacementWindscreen wiper blades should beinspected for wear or cracking. SeeScheduled Maintenance onpage 11‑1.It is a good idea to clean or replacethe wiper blade assembly on aregular basis or when worn. Forproper windscreen wiper bladelength and type, see MaintenanceReplacement Parts on page 11‑7.To replace the wiper bladeassembly:1. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN withthe engine off.2. Turn on the windscreen wipersand turn them off again whenthe wipers are in the out-wipeposition. The driver side bladewill be straight up and down onthe windscreen.3. Pull the windscreen wiperassembly away from thewindscreen.4. Lift up the wiper bladeassembly cap.5. Pull the wiper blade assemblydown far enough to release itfrom the J-hooked end of thewiper arm. Slide the assemblyaway from the arm.Allowing the wiper blade arm totouch the windscreen when nowiper blade is installed coulddamage the windscreen. Anydamage that occurs would notbe covered by your warranty. Donot allow the wiper blade arm totouch the windscreen.6. Replace the blade with anew one.