Black plate (19,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V (Europe LHD) Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 6/26/12In Brief 1-19after a delay or the video imageautomatically disappears from theinside rearview mirror.To clean the camera lens above thenumber plate, rinse it with water andwipe it with a soft cloth.See Rear Vision Camera (RVC) onpage 9‑41 for more information.Ultrasonic Parking AssistIf available, this system usessensors on the rear bumper toassist with parking and avoidingobjects while in R (Reverse).It operates at speeds less than8 km/h (5 mph). URPA uses audiblebeeps to provide distance andsystem information.Keep the sensors on the vehicle'srear bumper clean to ensure properoperation.See Ultrasonic Parking Assist onpage 9‑37.Storage CompartmentsPress the bottom of the load floorhandle assembly to lift the top onthe handle. Pull up on the handle toopen the cargo managementsystem.See Cargo Management System(Estate) on page 4‑3 for moreinformation.Power OutletsAccessory power outlets can beused to plug in electrical equipment,such as a mobile phone or MP3player.There are three accessory poweroutlets. The power outlets below theclimate control system, inside thecentre console storage bin, and onthe rear of the centre console arepowered while the vehicle is in ON/RUN, START or ACC/ACCESSORYmode, or until the driver door isopened within 10 minutes of turningoff the vehicle.On the CTS Estate there is anadditional accessory power outletnear the rear cargo net that ispowered at all times.Remove the cover to access andreplace when not in use.See Power Outlets on page 5‑9.