Black plate (18,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V (Europe LHD) Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 6/26/122-18 Keys, Doors, and WindowsThe boot may be opened bypressing the remote boot releasebutton on the driver door, V onthe Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)transmitter, or the boot releasebutton on the rear of the boot abovethe number plate.On vehicles with the KeylessAccess System, if the vehicle islocked, the keyless accesstransmitter must be within 1 m (3 ft)of the boot for it to be recognised;the boot can then be opened by theboot release button above thenumber plate.Use the key in the boot lockcylinder.Close the boot by pulling on thehandle. Do not use the handle as atie-down.Rear-Seat Pass ThroughIf the vehicle has the rear-seat passthrough door, this is useful whentransporting long items.To open the door, pull down the rearseat armrest. Then pull the lever allthe way down to release the door.To close the door, push it up andback into place. Then try to openthe door without pulling up on thelever to make sure it is locked intoplace.Emergency Boot ReleaseHandleNotice: Do not use theemergency boot release handleas a tie-down or anchor pointwhen securing items in the bootas it could damage the handle.The emergency boot releasehandle is only intended to aid aperson trapped in a latched boot,enabling them to open the bootfrom the inside.