Black plate (68,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V (Europe LHD) Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 6/26/1210-68 Vehicle CareTyres are rotated to achieve auniform wear for all tyres. Thefirst rotation is the mostimportant.Anytime unusual wear isnoticed, rotate the tyres as soonas possible, check for propertyre inflation pressure, andcheck for damaged tyres orwheels. If the unusual wearcontinues after the rotation,check the wheel alignment. SeeWhen It Is Time for New Tyreson page 10‑69 and WheelReplacement on page 10‑72.Directional tyres should not berotated. Each tyre and wheelshould be used only in theposition it is in. Directional tyreswill have an arrow on the tyreindicating the proper direction ofrotation or will have “left” or“right” moulded on the sidewall.Use this rotation pattern if thevehicle has different size tyreson the front and rear and theyare non-directional.Different tyre sizes should notbe rotated front to rear.Use this rotation pattern whenrotating tyres of the same sizeinstalled on all four wheelpositions.If the vehicle has a compactspare tyre, do not include it inthe tyre rotation.