Black plate (40,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/123-40 Seats and RestraintsKeep in mind that an unsecuredchild restraint can move around in acollision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure toproperly secure any child restraint inthe vehicle — even when no child isin it.Lower Anchors andTethers for Children(LATCH System)The LATCH system secures a childrestraint during driving or in a crash.LATCH attachments on the childrestraint are used to attach the childrestraint to the anchors in thevehicle. This system is designed tomake installation of a child restrainteasier.Make sure that a LATCH-compatiblechild restraint is properly installedusing the anchors, or use thevehicle's safety belts to secure therestraint, following the instructionsthat came with that restraint, andalso the instructions in this manual.When installing a child restraint witha top tether, you must also useeither the lower anchors or thesafety belts to properly secure thechild restraint. A child restraint mustnever be installed using only the toptether and anchor.In order to use the LATCH system inyour vehicle, you need a childrestraint that has LATCHattachments. The child restraintmanufacturer will provide you withinstructions on how to use the childrestraint and its attachments. Thefollowing explains how to attach achild restraint with theseattachments in your vehicle.Not all vehicle seating positions orchild restraints have lower anchorsand attachments or top tetheranchors and attachments.Lower AnchorsLower anchors (1) are metal barsbuilt into the vehicle. There are twolower anchors for each LATCHseating position that willaccommodate a child restraint withlower attachments (2).InformationProvidedby: