Black plate (32,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/1210-32 Vehicle CareHeadlamp WiringAn electrical overload may causethe lamps to go on and off, or insome cases to remain off. Have theheadlamp wiring checked right awayif the lamps go on and off orremain off.Windshield WipersIf the wiper motor overheats due toheavy snow or ice, the windshieldwipers will stop until the motor coolsand will then restart.Although the circuit is protectedfrom electrical overload, overloaddue to heavy snow or ice maycause wiper linkage damage.Always clear ice and heavy snowfrom the windshield before using thewindshield wipers.If the overload is caused by anelectrical problem and not snow orice, be sure to get it fixed.Fuses and CircuitBreakersThe wiring circuits in the vehicle areprotected from short circuits by acombination of fuses and circuitbreakers. This greatly reduces thechance of damage caused byelectrical problems.To check a fuse, look at thesilver-colored band inside the fuse.If the band is broken or melted,replace the fuse. Be sure to replacea bad fuse with a new one of theidentical size and rating.Fuses of the same amperage canbe temporarily borrowed fromanother fuse location, if a fuse goesout. Replace the fuse as soon aspossible.To identify and check fuses, circuitbreakers, and relays, see EngineCompartment Fuse Block onpage 10‑32, Instrument Panel FuseBlock on page 10‑36, and RearCompartment Fuse Block onpage 10‑38.Engine CompartmentFuse BlockThe underhood fuse block is on thepassenger side of the enginecompartment.Lift the fuse block cover to accessthe fuses.The vehicle may not be equippedwith all of the fuses and relaysshown.InformationProvidedby: