Black plate (36,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/129-36 Driving and Operatingon in the instrument cluster. WhenStabiliTrak is turned off, the systemwill not assist with directional controlof the vehicle or limit wheel spin.Driving should be adjustedaccordingly. Press and release gagain to turn both systems back on.If cruise control is being used whenStabiliTrak activates, cruise controlwill automatically disengage. Pressthe cruise control button toreengage when road conditionsallow. See Cruise Control onpage 9‑37.Driver Mode ControlDriver Mode Control attempts to adda sportier feel, provide a morecomfortable ride, or assist indifferent weather conditions orterrain. This system simultaneouslychanges the software calibration ofvarious sub-systems. Depending onthe option package, availablefeatures, and mode selected, thesuspension, steering, andpowertrain will change calibrationsto achieve the desired modecharacteristics. If the vehicle isequipped with MagneRide™,selecting the various Driver Modesadjusts the ride of the vehicle toenhance the ride performance forthe road conditions and theselected mode.Manual Transmission ModeButton Shown, AutomaticTransmission Mode Button SimilarThe Driver Mode Control has threemodes: Tour, Sport, and Snow/Ice.Snow/Ice mode is only available onautomatic transmission vehicles.Press the MODE button on thecenter console to make a modeselection. The first press of thebutton will show the current mode.Subsequent presses will scrollthough the available modes. TheTour and Sport modes will feelsimilar on a smooth road. Select anew setting whenever drivingconditions change.Tour ModeUse for normal city and highwaydriving to provide a smooth,soft ride.Sport ModeUse where road conditions orpersonal preference demand a morecontrolled response.When selected, the Sport modeindicator will display in the DriverInformation Center (DIC).When in Sport mode, the vehicle willstill shift automatically. Thetransmission may remain in gearlonger than it would in the normaldriving mode based on braking,InformationProvidedby: