Black plate (19,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/12Driving and Operating 9-19If the battery in the keylessaccess transmitter needsreplacing, a DIC messagedisplays. The vehicle can still bedriven. See “Starting the Vehiclewith a Low Transmitter Battery”in Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)System Operation on page 2‑3.The vehicle has aComputer-Controlled CrankingSystem. This feature assists instarting the engine and protectscomponents. If the STARTbutton is pressed, and thenreleased when the enginebegins cranking, the engine willcontinue cranking for a fewseconds or until the vehiclestarts. If the engine does notstart and the button is pressedfor many seconds, cranking willbe stopped after 15 seconds toprevent cranking motor damage.To prevent gear damage, thissystem also prevents cranking ifthe engine is already running.Engine cranking can be stoppedby pressing the START button asecond time.Notice: Cranking the engine forlong periods of time, by pressingthe START button immediatelyafter cranking has ended, canoverheat and damage thecranking motor, and drain thebattery. Wait at least 15 secondsbetween each try, to let thecranking motor cool down.2. If the engine does not start afterfive to 10 seconds, especially invery cold weather (below −18°Cor 0°F), it could be flooded withtoo much gasoline. Try pushingthe accelerator pedal all the wayto the floor and holding it thereas you press the START button,for up to a maximum of15 seconds. Wait at least15 seconds between each try, toallow the cranking motor to cooldown. When the engine starts,let go of the button and theaccelerator. If the vehicle startsbriefly but then stops again, dothe same thing. This clears theextra gasoline from the engine.Do not race the engineimmediately after starting it.Operate the engine andtransmission gently until the oilwarms up and lubricates allmoving parts.Engine HeaterVehicles with the engine coolantheater can use this option in coldweather conditions at or below−18°C (0°F) for easier starting andbetter fuel economy during enginewarm-up. Plug in the coolant heaterat least four hours before startingyour vehicle. An internal thermostatin the plug-end of the cord may existwhich will prevent engine coolantheater operation at temperaturesabove −18°C (0°F).InformationProvidedby: