Black plate (47,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/12Driving and Operating 9-47ACC may detect a vehicle that isnot in your lane and apply thebrakes.ACC may occasionally provide analert and/or braking that isconsidered unnecessary. It couldrespond to vehicles in differentlanes, signs, guardrails, and otherstationary objects when entering orexiting a curve. This is normaloperation. The vehicle does notneed service.Other Vehicle Lane ChangesACC will not detect a vehicle aheaduntil it is completely in the lane. Thebrake may need to be manuallyapplied.Do Not Use ACC on Hills andWhen Towing a TrailerDo not use ACC when driving onsteep hills or when towing a trailer.ACC will not detect a vehicle in thelane while driving on steep hills. Thedriver will often need to take overacceleration and braking on steephills, especially when towing atrailer. If the brakes are applied, theACC disengages.Ending ACCThere are three ways todisengage ACC:. Step lightly on the brake pedal.. Press *.. Press ].Erasing Speed MemoryThe cruise control set speed iserased from memory if ] ispressed or if the ignition isturned off.InformationProvidedby: