Lane Departure Warning (LDW)The vehicle may have a Lane Departure Warning (LDW)system. Read this entire section before using the system.{ CAUTION:The Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system doesnot steer the vehicle and is only an aid to help youstay in your driving lane. The LDW system may not:• Provide you with enough time to avoid a lanechange collision.• Be loud enough for you to hear the warningbeeps.• Work properly under bad weather conditionsor if the windshield is not kept clean.• Detect lane markings and will not detectroad edges.• Warn you that your vehicle is crossing a lanemarking if the system does not detect the lanemarking.CAUTION: (Continued)CAUTION: (Continued)LDW will indicate the system is working wheneverit detects either the left or right lane marking. So ifyou depart on the side of the lane that LDW is notdetecting, LDW will not warn you.If you do not carefully maintain your vehicleposition within the lane, vehicle damage, injury, ordeath could occur. Even with LDW, always keepyour attention on the road and maintain propervehicle position within the lane. Always keep thewindshield clean and do not use LDW in badweather conditions.When the vehicle crosses a detected lane marking, theLDW symbol will flash and you will hear three beeps.LDW will not warn you if the turn signal is on or ifyou make a sharp maneuver. Before making a lanechange, check the vehicle’s mirrors, glance over yourshoulder for vehicles and hazards, and start theturn signal before changing lanes.2-49