Electrical SystemAdd-On Electrical EquipmentNotice: Do not add anything electrical to yourvehicle unless you check with your dealerfirst. Some electrical equipment can damageyour vehicle and the damage would notbe covered by your warranty. Some add-onelectrical equipment can keep othercomponents from working as they should.Add-on equipment can drain your vehicle’s battery,even if your vehicle is not operating.Your vehicle has an airbag system. Beforeattempting to add anything electrical to yourvehicle, see Servicing Your Airbag-EquippedVehicle on page 58.Windshield Wiper FusesThe windshield wiper motor is protected by aninternal circuit breaker. If the wiper motoroverheats due to heavy snow, the wipers will stopuntil the motor cools and will then restart.A fuse powers the wiper motor. If the fuse blows,there is an electrical problem. Be sure to haveit fixed.Power Windows and Other PowerOptionsCircuit breakers protect the power windows andpower seats. When the current load is tooheavy, the circuit breaker opens and closes,protecting the circuit until the problem is fixed orgoes away.452