Bulb ReplacementIt is recommended that all bulbs be replaced byyour dealer.Windshield ReplacementKeep in mind that your windshield is part of theHead-Up Display (HUD) system. If you ever haveto get your windshield replaced, be sure to getone that is designed for HUD or your HUD imagemay look blurred or out of focus.Windshield Wiper BladeReplacementWindshield wiper blades should be inspected forwear or cracking. See Scheduled Maintenanceon page 465.It is a good idea to clean or replace the wiperblade assembly on a regular basis or when worn.For proper windshield wiper blade length andtype, see Normal Maintenance Replacement Partson page 475.To replace the wiper blade assembly, do thefollowing:1. Place the vehicle in accessory mode and turnthe wipers on. Position the wipers on thewindshield in the mid-wipe position. Then witha door open, turn the vehicle off.2. Tip the blade up and pull up on the tab torelease the wiper blade assembly.3. To install, align the wiper blade with the loopon the wiper blade assembly, and push up tosnap it into place.412