You will need a well-charged battery to restart thevehicle, and possibly for signaling later on withyour headlamps. Let the heater run for a while.Then, shut the engine off and close the windowalmost all the way to preserve the heat. Startthe engine again and repeat this only when youfeel really uncomfortable from the cold. But do it aslittle as possible. Preserve the fuel as long asyou can. To help keep warm, you can get out ofthe vehicle and do some fairly vigorous exercisesevery half hour or so until help comes.If Your Vehicle is Stuck in Sand,Mud, Ice, or SnowIn order to free your vehicle when it is stuck, youwill need to spin the wheels, but you do notwant to spin your wheels too fast. The methodknown as rocking can help you get out when youare stuck, but you must use caution.{CAUTION:If you let your vehicle’s tires spin at highspeed, they can explode, and you orothers could be injured. And, thetransmission or other parts of the vehiclecan overheat. That could cause an enginecompartment fire or other damage. Whenyou are stuck, spin the wheels as little aspossible. Do not spin the wheels above35 mph (55 km/h) as shown on thespeedometer.Notice: Spinning the wheels can destroy partsof your vehicle as well as the tires. If youspin the wheels too fast while shiftingthe transmission back and forth, you candestroy the transmission.For information about using tire chains on yourvehicle, see Tire Chains on page 435.353