Maintenance Footnotes(a) Visually inspect brake lines and hoses for properhook-up, binding, leaks, cracks, chafing, etc. Inspectdisc brake pads for wear and rotors for surfacecondition. Inspect other brake parts, including calipers,parking brake, etc.(b) Visually inspect front and rear suspension andsteering system for damaged, loose, or missing parts orsigns of wear. Inspect power steering lines and hosesfor proper hook-up, binding, leaks, cracks, chafing, etc.(c) Visually inspect hoses and have them replaced ifthey are cracked, swollen, or deteriorated. Inspectall pipes, fittings and clamps; replace with genuineGM parts as needed. To help ensure proper operation,a pressure test of the cooling system and pressurecap and cleaning the outside of the radiator andair conditioning condenser is recommended at leastonce a year.(d) Visually inspect wiper blades for wear or cracking.Replace wiper blades that appear worn or damagedor that streak or miss areas of the windshield.(e) Make sure the safety belt reminder light and all yourbelts, buckles, latch plates, retractors, and anchoragesare working properly. Look for any other loose ordamaged safety belt system parts. If you see anythingthat might keep a safety belt system from doing itsjob, have it repaired. Have any torn or frayed safety beltsreplaced. Also look for any opened or broken airbagcoverings, and have them repaired or replaced.The airbag system does not need regular maintenance.(f) Lubricate all key lock cylinders. Lubricate all bodydoor hinges. Lubricate all hinges and latches, includingthose for the hood, rear compartment, console door,and any folding seat hardware. More frequent lubricationmay be required when exposed to a corrosiveenvironment. Applying silicone grease on weatherstripswith a clean cloth will make them last longer, sealbetter, and not stick or squeak.(g) If you drive regularly under dusty conditions, thefilter may require replacement more often.6-8