Windshield WipersThe lever on the right side of the steering columnoperates the windshield wipers.7 (Mist): Pull the lever down and release it for asingle wiping cycle. The lever will return to its originalposition. For more cycles, hold the lever down beforereleasing it.9 (Off): Put the lever in this position to turn offthe wipers.& (Delay): Put the lever in this position to set a delaybetween wipes. Turn the delay adjustment band toset the length of the delay.x (Delay Adjustment): Use this band to set thelength of the delay between wipes when using the delayfeature. The closer you move the band toward mist,the longer the delay. The windshield wiper lever must bein delay for this feature to work.6 (Low Speed): Put the lever in this position forslow, steady wiping cycles.1 (High Speed): Put the lever in this position forrapid wiping cycles.If the windshield wipers are in use for about six secondswhile you are driving, the exterior lamps will come onautomatically if the exterior lamp control is in AUTO.See Wiper Activated Headlamps on page 3-17 for moreinformation.Be sure to clear ice and snow from the wiper bladesbefore using them. If they’re frozen to the windshield,gently loosen or thaw them. If the blades do becomedamaged, install new blades or blade inserts. For moreinformation, see Windshield Wiper Blade Replacementon page 5-56.Heavy snow or ice can overload the wiper motor.A circuit breaker will stop the motor until it cools down.Clear away snow or ice to prevent an overload.3-11