• SAE 5W-30As shown in the viscosity chart, SAE 5W-30 is bestfor your vehicle. However, you can use SAE 10W-30if it is going to be 0°F (–18°C) or above.These numbers on an oil container show itsviscosity, or thickness. Do not use other viscosity oilssuch as SAE 20W-50.Oils meeting theserequirements shouldalso have the starburstsymbol on the container.This symbol indicatesthat the oil has beencertified by the AmericanPetroleum Institute (API).You should look for this on the oil container, and useonly those oils that are identified as meeting GMStandard GM4718M and have the starburst symbol onthe front of the oil container.Your vehicle’s engine is filled at the factory with a Mobil1 ® synthetic oil, which meets all requirements foryour vehicle.Substitute Engine Oil: when adding oil to maintainengine oil level, oil meeting GM Standard GM4718M maynot be available. You can add substitute oil designatedSAE 5W-30 with the starburst symbol at all temperatures.If temperatures are above 0°F (–18°C), you maysubstitute SAE 10W-30 with the starburst symbol.Substitute oil not meeting GM Standard GM4718Mshould not be used for an oil change.Engine Oil AdditivesDo not add anything to your oil. The recommended oilswith the starburst symbol that meet GM StandardGM4718M are all you will need for good performanceand engine protection.5-19