Easy Series Agency Approvals and Requirements | en 123Bosch Security Systems, Inc. System Reference Guide F01U087835 | 02 | 2008.10Table 12.1 NF A2P Certified Configuration ValuesProgramming Item Item Number NF A2P Approved Range Section Starting PageCountry Code 102 17 Page 43Enclosure Tamper Enabled 103 1Fire Bell Cut-off Time 107 2 or 3Intrusion Bell Cut-off Time 108 2 or 3Intrusion Abort Window 110 0Point Alarm Verification 124 0Entry Delay 127 Shorter than Exit DelayAuto Protection Level 132 0Latching Point and Enclosure Tamper 137 1Latching System Device Tamper 138 1Restrict Installer Passcode 142 1Start Arming With Faulted Points 159 0Passcode Length 861 6 Page 56Circuit Style 9xx2* 0 Page 52Response Time 9xx5* 4 or 5* The middle digits = the point number. For example, "01" = Point 1, and "32" = Point 32.i NOTICE!For supervised points (dual EOL), 2.2k Ω EOL resistors (P/N: 47819) required.