DS300f G2 Series User Manual74chanGInG a backGrounD actIvIty ScheDuleTo change an existing scheduled background activity:1. Click the Administration tab.2. Click the Background Activities icon.The list of background appears.3. Click the Scheduler button.The list of currently scheduled background activities appears.4. Click the background activity and click the Settings button.5. Make settings changes as required:• Choose a Start Time from the drop-down menus.The menus have a 24-hour clock.• Choose a Recurrence Pattern option, daily, weekly, or monthly.For the Daily option, enter an interval in the Every field.For the Weekly option, enter an interval in the Every field and choose one or more days of the week.For the Monthly option, choose the Day of the Month option or the day of the week option, and choose the dayfrom the drop-down menu.• Choose a Start From date from the drop-down menus.• Choose an End On option,No end date or perpetual.End after a specific number of activity actions.Until date from the drop-down menus.• For Redundancy Check, choose,Auto Fix option – Attempts to repair the problem when it finds an error. Check to enablePause on Error option – The process stops when it finds a non-repairable error. Check to enableSelect LD – Check the boxes for the logical drives to run Redundancy Check. Check at least one logical drive6. Click the Save button.enablInG or DISablInG a ScheDuleD backGrounD actIvItyBackground activity schedules are enabled by default when you create the schedule. If you want to stop abackground activity now but plan to use it again in the future, disable the scheduled activity rather than deletingit.To enable or disable change an existing scheduled background activity:1. Click the Administration tab.2. Click the Background Activities icon.The list of background appears.3. Click the Scheduler button.The list of currently scheduled background activities appears.4. Click the background activity and click the Settings button.5. Uncheck the Enable This Schedule box to disable this schedule.Check the box to enable this schedule.6. Click the Save button.DeletInG a ScheDuleD backGrounD actIvItyTo change an existing scheduled background activity:1. Click the Administration tab.2. Click the Background Activities icon.The list of background appears.3. Click the Scheduler button.The list of currently scheduled background activities appears.4. Click the background activity and click the Delete button.5. In the confirmation box, click the confirm button.