DS300f G2 Series User Manual203DrIve carrIer leDSThe ASUS DS300f G2 spins up the disk drives sequentially to equalize power draw during start-up. After a fewmoments:• The Power/Activity LED displays blue when a physical drive is present.• The Drive Status LED displays green when the physical drive is configured as a member of a disk array oras a spare. When the physical drive is unconfigured, the LED is dark.See the diagram and table on the next page.Figure 8 - 2: Drive carrier LEDsDrive Carrier LEDsState Power / Activity Drive StatusDark No drive in carrier Drive is unconfiguredSteady Blue Drive is present —Flashing Blue Activity on drive —Steady green — Drive is configuredBlinking both LEDs blink Locator featureAmber — Drive is rebuildingRed — Drive error or failure* Configured means the physical drive either belongs to an array or itis assigned as a spare drive.* Steady means the LED is on.* Blinking means a regular on/off pattern.* Flashing means intermittent and irregular on/off pattern.See "Physical Drive Problems" on page 213 for a discussion of rebuilding and failed physical drives for moreinformation.The Locator feature is triggered from ASUS Storage Management or the CLU. It causes the LEDs to blink on andoff for one minute. That action helps you find the specific drive.Drive Status LEDPower/Activity LEDback Panel leDSThese LEDs give the status of the field replaceable units:• RAID controller• Power supply• BBU (located on each Cooling Unit)• Cooling UnitThese LEDs will light green to indicate normal operation. A red or amber LED indicates a problem or unit failure.Figure 8 - 3: Power supply, BBU and Fan status LEDsState Battery Power Supply FanDark No power, Failed or not installed No power No powerSteady Green Normal Normal NormalBlinking Green — Locator feature —Steady Amber — — Fan problemFlashing Amber — — —Steady Red Failed or battery removed Failed FailureFlashing Red — — —PSU 1 LED PSU 2 LED• BBU (top)• Cooling Unit Fan Status (bottom)