DS300f G2 Series User Manual123releAsing the lock1. From the Main Menu, highlight Subsystem Management and press Enter.2. Highlight Lock Management and press Enter.3. Highlight Unlock and press Enter.releAsing A lock set by Another userTo release somebody else’s lock:1. From the Main Menu, highlight Subsystem Management and press Enter.2. Highlight Lock Management and press Enter.3. Highlight Force Unlock and press the Spacebar to change to Yes.4. Highlight Unlock and press Enter.SettInG SubSyStem Date anD tIme (clu)Use this screen to make Date and Time settings:1. From the Main Menu, highlight Subsystem Management and press Enter.2. Highlight Modify System Date & Time and press Enter.3. Highlight the System Date or System Time setting.4. Press the backspace key to erase the current value.5. Type in a new value.6. Press Control-A to save your settings.makInG ntP SettInGS (clu)After you have made Network Time Protocol (NTP) settings, the ASUS DS300f G2 subsystem synchronizes witha NTP server.• At startup• Every night• When you synchronize manuallyTo make NTP settings for the subsystem:1. From the Main Menu, highlight Subsystem Management and press Enter.2. Highlight NTP Management and press Enter.3. Highlight NTP Settings and press Enter.4. Make the following settings as required:• Highlight NTP Service and press the spacebar to toggle between Enabled and Disabled.• Highlight Time Server (1), Time Server (2), or Time Server (3) and type a server name.Example: 0.us.pool.ntp.orgYou can have up to 3 NTP servers.• Highlight Time Zone and press the spacebar to toggle through GMT, GMT+, and GMT-.For GMT+ and GMT-, type the hour from 0:00 to 13:00 GMT for your time zone.• Highlight Daylight Savings Time and press the spacebar to toggle between Enable and Disable.If Daylight Savings Time is Enabled, highlight the Start Month and End Month and enter a number from1 to 12.Then highlight the Week and Day and toggle to make your choices.5. Press Control-A to save your settings.NotesThe NTP server name shown is an example only. You must find and enter your local NTP server name.GMT is the older designation for UTC.SynchronIzInG wIth a ntP Server (clu)The ASUS DS300f G2 subsystem automatically synchronizes with a NTP server every night and a startup. Youhave the option of synchronizing manually at any time.To manually synchronize the ASUS DS300f G2 with a NTP server:1. From the Main Menu, highlight Subsystem Management and press Enter.2. Highlight NTP Management and press Enter.3. Highlight Start Time Sync and press Enter.4. Press Y to confirm.To verify, check Last Synchronization Time and Last Synchronization Result.