DS300f G2 Series User Manual53vIewInG the storaGe networkTo view the other subsystems on your Storage Network, click the Discovery tab at the left edge of the ASUSStorage Management window.loGGInG onto a SubSyStemTo log onto a subsystem in the list, double-click the subsystem.CautionThe new subsystem displays in the same browser tab. Click your browser’s backbutton to return to the original subsystem.Figure 4 - 4: Discovery tab in Main menufIlterInG the SubSyStem lIStTo filter the list, so it shows only specific subsystems, enter a characteristic into the Filter By field and pressEnter. To filter by IP address, enter the IP routing prefix for the range you want to display. For example, typing"10.0" in the entry field reveals all subsystems with IP address beginning with the "10.0" prefix.refreShInG the lIStTo refresh the list, click the Refresh link.ManaGInG subsysteMsSubsystem management includes:• "Viewing Subsystem Information" on page 54• "Making Subsystem Settings" on page 54• "Locking or Unlocking the Subsystem" on page 54• "Restoring Factory Default Settings" on page 55• "Clearing Statistics" on page 55• "Saving a Service Report" on page 56• "Importing a Configuration Script" on page 57• "Exporting a Configuration Script" on page 57• "Restarting the Subsystem" on page 57• "Shutting Down the Subsystem" on page 58• "Restarting the Subsystem after a Shutdown" on page 58