DS300f G2 Series User Manual117PInGInG a hoSt or Server on the IScSI networkThis function enables you to ping other network nodes through any one of the ASUS DS300f G2’s iSCSI ports.To ping a host or server on the network:1. Click the Device tab.2. Click the iSCSI Management icon.3. Click the Ping tab.4. Type the IP address of the host or server into the IP Address field.5. Choose the port Type from the drop-down menu.• iSCSI means an iSCSI port• Mgmt means the ASUS DS300f G2’s virtual management port6. If you chose iSCSI port, choose the RAID controller and port number from the drop-down menus.7. Type the number of packets you want to send in the Number of Packets to Ping field.Four packets are commonly used for a ping.8. Click the Start button.In a few moments, the result displays under the Device tab asPing succeeded or Ping failed.