1 Safety1.2.4.6. Safe use of the Teach Pendant Unit3HAC023297-001 Revision: A321.2.4.6. Safe use of the Teach Pendant UnitNOTE!The enabling device is a push button located on the side of the Teach Pendant Unit (TPU)which, when pressed halfway in, takes the system to MOTORS ON. When the enablingdevice is released or pushed all the way in, the robot is taken to the MOTORS OFF state.To ensure safe use of the Teach Pendant Unit, the following must be implemented:• The enabling device must never be rendered inoperative in any way.• During programming and testing, the enabling device must be released as soon asthere is no need for the robot to move.• The programmer must always bring the Teach Pendant Unit with him/her, whenentering the robot's working space. This is to prevent anyone else taking control overthe robot without the programmer knowing.