CAUTION - Hot parts may cause burns!DescriptionDuring normal operation, many robot parts become hot, especially the drive motorsand gearboxes. Sometimes areas around these parts also become hot. Touchingthese may cause burns of various severity.Because of a higher environment temperature, more surfaces on the robot get hotand may result in burns.There is also a risk of fire if flammable materials are put on hot surfaces.EliminationThe following instructions describe how to avoid the dangers specified above:InformationActionAlways use your hand, at some distance, tofeel if heat is radiating from the potentiallyhot component before actually touching it.1Wait until the potentially hot component hascooled if it is to be removed or handled in anyother way.2Do not put anything on hot metal surfaces,e.g. paper or plastic.3Product manual - IRB 120 253HAC035728-001 Revision: N© Copyright 2009-2017 ABB. All rights reserved.1 Safety1.2.4.2 CAUTION - Hot parts may cause burns!