Section 4 TCL Displays Loading the Sequence from the Unit Detail Display3BUR002418-600 A 81The information shown in the main portion of the display for each sequence in theunit includes:Each column width can be adjusted by clicking on the title border and sliding thewidth indicator left or right.Loading the Sequence from the Unit Detail DisplayNote the ID of the sequence you want to download (refer to your AdvaBuilddocumentation). Access the Unit Detail Display of the unit where the sequence is tobe downloaded.To load a sequence onto a unit:1. Select the Sequence Load Request field2. Enter the ID for the desired sequence (optionally, you may load the sequence toa slave unit by entering, SLAVE after the Sequence ID)3. Press ENTERWait while the system downloads the sequence to the unit. The messageLoading Sequence sequence nameis displayed while the system downloads the sequence. When downloading iscomplete, the sequence and its related data are shown in the list of sequences. Theinitial state of a just-downloaded sequence is inactive.Sequence ID Sequence program name.Sequence Type Schedule, Procedure, or Operation.Sequence State Active, Inactive, Paused, Loading.Sequence Mode Auto, Manual, Semi_Auto.Sequence Status Normal, Abnormal 1 - 16.Step Text Current step in active sequence or if inactive, step executedwhen sequence became inactive.