Appendix A Runtime Templates Digital Output FCM3BUR002418-600 A 255ENGU - LOWER BOUND FieldThis field specifies the lower limit of the engineering units range. Valid entry is adecimal numberENGU - UPPER BOUND FieldThis field specifies the upper limit of the engineering units range. Valid entry is adecimal number.UNDER RANGE COUNTS Field and OVER RANGE COUNTS FieldThese fields indicate the lowest and highest count values that can be output. Validentries are integers between 0 and 4095.Digital Output FCMINVERTED OUTPUTS FieldThis field makes modifications to the bit patterns output by the Digital Output FCM.Valid entry is a decimal number translated into binary bit positions, specifyingwhich bits are inverted.Pulse Duration Output FCMCOUNTS - UPPER BOUND FieldThis field defines the length for the pulse duration (Pulse Duration Output) or thenumber of pulses (Pulse Train Output) to treat as 100% of range. Valid entry is aninteger for the pulse duration in milliseconds or an integer for the number of pulses.Pulse Train Output FCMCOUNTS - UPPER BOUND FieldThis field defines the length for the pulse duration (Pulse Duration Output) or thenumber of pulses (Pulse Train Output) to treat as 100% of range. Valid entry is aninteger for the pulse duration in milliseconds or an integer for the number of pulses.