Loop Detail Displays Section 3 CCF Displays32 3BUR002418-600 ALoop Detail DisplaysThe Loop Detail Display provides the means to manipulate tunable parameters. Theinformation available on this display varies according to the loop type: Control,Continuous, PID, and Device.Control and PID LoopsThe Loop Detail Display for a PID loop, Figure 2, shows the measured value,setpoint value, and output value trends for a loop. A reduced or standard sizefaceplate is used to modify the setpoint and output values. The trend graph shows upto 600 points (traces start when the window is displayed). The data is based on CCFtrend data.The trend Refresh rate on the Loop Detail page, allows you to change the rate atwhich a trend graph is updated. Select Refresh to get the Change Refresh Ratedialog where you can change this rate to any integer number from 1 to 120 seconds,the default value is 1. After changing the Refresh value, the plot restarts and thetrend is refreshed at the new rate.The Loop Detail Display also provides the means to set the following loopparameters:• Loop setup values, including Phase, Scan Rate, Loop Mode, and Trend Rate.• Tuning parameters, including Gain, Reset, and Preact.• Alarm configuration conditions:– Alarm Post.– Alarm Check.– Engineering Deadband.– Output Deadband.– Deviation Deadband.Generally, users with Operator authority have read-only access to the Loop DetailDisplay. Control/tuning functions are restricted to System Engineers. Theauthority assignment for functions associated with this display can be changed asdescribed in the Objects and Access Rights section of System 800xAConfiguration (3BDS011222*).