Section 7 I/O Displays S800 Warmstart3BUR002418-600 A 159S800 WarmstartActions Upon StartupUpon startup, outputs to all devices are disabled. The database is downloaded witheach CCF loop output FCM in its initial output mode and each device loop holdingits initial command. A period of time is allowed for each S800 module to log intothe system. As each module is recognized, its outputs are read. If configured forwarmstart, the corresponding CCF loop output FCM for each output channel on themodule is placed in the MANUAL mode and its result is synchronized with the fieldoutput value in the module memory. The action taken by a device loop configuredfor warmstart depends on whether there are inputs to the device. If there are inputsto the device, the DEV_CMND parameter is adjusted to command the device toassume the existing field state. If there are no inputs, the DEV_CMND parameter isset to the INIT_CMND (NO COMMAND). Finally, the automatic transfer ofoutputs to the S800 module is enabled.Actions On Module CommunicationAs a module logs out, a diagnostic message Block nnnn has logged out is sent andthe associated data quality goes BAD. As a result, FCMs may take their configured“action on output error” and the automatic transfer of outputs to the module isdisabled. As a module logs in, output values are read from the module. If configuredfor warmstart, the corresponding CCF output FCM or device loop for each channelon the module is warm started. That is, the output FCM is placed in the MANUALmode, and the output value from the module is written to its result attribute. For thewarm started device loop, its DEV_CMND attribute is set to NO COMMAND.Finally, the automatic transfer of outputs to the S800 module is enabled.Value The actual value of the input from the process or the output valuesent to the process.For an output field, you can change the value of an output channelby selecting it and entering a value. The loop needs to be warm-started from the FCM display.Diagnostics Not used.See the S800 I/O instruction for error message information.