AI830 Appendix A Runtime Templates290 3BUR002418-600 AFILTER 01 through 08Enter the lowpass filter time constant (in 10msec units) for each channel. Filtertimes shorter than the update time are not usable. Update time can be calculated as:TUpdate = 160ms + (n * 80ms) n = number of active channels 1...8Therefore the TUpdate Range = 240ms to 800msThe default value is 10 (100msec).The possible range is:10 to 65535.LABELEnter a characteristic name to identify the AI830 Module of the station. The namemay contain up to 20 characters.POSITIONEnter a number from 1 to 12 representing the position of the I/O module relative tothe FCI. The I/O module directly next to the FCI is number 1.Default value is 1.POWER LINE FREQUENCYEnter the power line frequency to filter out (notch) the signal.The valid values are:16, 50, and 60.The default value is 60.RANGE 01 through 08The possible ranges are:-80..80 C, -112..176 FIf positions are to be used for spare MTUs, the spares must be in place so the restof the I/O modules are numbered correctly. The spare MTU will use a positionnumber when it is on the ModuleBus.