Device Loop Templet Appendix A Runtime Templates222 3BUR002418-600 APROCESSING PHASE FieldThis field allows for even distribution of loop processing about the processinginterval. How this field, the PROCESSING PHASE field, and BASE RATE field ofthe CCF Templet interact to determine the loop processing rate.Valid entry is:any integer from 0 to (PR/BR-1 rounded up to the next higher integer) wherePR is the processing rate of the loop and BR is the base rate of the modulecontaining the loop. If an entry greater than (PR/BR-1) is made, a compilerwarning is generated when the data base is compiled and the phase is set to 0.INVERTED INPUTS FieldThe INVERTED INPUTS field is used to make modifications to the device handlingalgorithm by changing the bit patterns of the feedback (input) signals.Valid entry is a decimal number identifying which bits are inverted.Example:If a device type supports the following 3 feedback states,1 0 1 01 0 0 10 1 0 1entering a 4 to the INVERTED INPUTS field would invert bit 3 (the binaryequivalent of decimal 4) so the resulting feedback states are:1 1 1 01 1 0 10 0 0 1Similarly, entering a 10 would invert bits 4 and 2 (the binary equivalent of 10).INVERTED OUTPUTS FieldThis field is used to make modifications to the device handling algorithm bychanging the bit patterns of the output signals.