Section 6 Status Displays System Status Display3BUR002418-600 A 123Subsystem TypesThe available subsystem types (shown above icon on icon views and in the headingline of the corresponding Subsystem or I/O Status Display) include:ADVANT STATION Advant StationCOMPACT STATION Advant Controller 410 (AC410) SubsystemPROCESS STATION Advant Controller 460 (AC460) SubsystemCONSOLE Console SubsystemCONTROLLER Controller SubsystemDATA PROCESSOR Turbo SubsystemDCN2DCN DCN/DCN InterfaceGATEWAY Ethernet InterfaceUNKNOWN Subsystem not identifiableAddressThe device number address for an Advant Station, AC410, AC460, Console, DataProcessor Subsystem, DCN/DCN Interface, or Gateway Interface is determined byconfiguration. Subdevice numbers, for the Controller Subsystem only, aredetermined by the module position in the controller card file and are shown in theSubsystem Status Display.Subsystem NameThe subsystem name shown for each icon of the System Status Display is the 21character name entered in the TEMPLET NAME field when that subsystem wasconfigured.Subsystem StatusThe status of each subsystem DCN connection is indicated by its color coded statusboxes. The number of status boxes depends on the type of subsystem. CONSOLE,DATA PROCESSOR, and GATEWAY icons contain two status boxes that indicatethe status of D/M Module 1 and 2. CONTROLLER icons contain two status boxesthat indicate the status of D/F Module 1 and 2 and up to 12 status boxes that indicate