62 CHAPTER 3: S YSTEM SERVICE COMMANDSset systemidle-timeoutSpecifies the maximum number of seconds a CLI management sessionwith the switch can remain idle before MSS terminates the session.Syntax — set system idle-timeout seconds seconds — Number of seconds a CLI management session can remainidle before MSS terminates the session. You can specify from 0 to86400 seconds (one day). If you specify 0, the idle timeout is disabled.The timeout interval is in 30-second increments. For example, theinterval can be 0, or 30 seconds, or 60 seconds, or 90 seconds, and soon. If you enter an interval that is not divisible by 30, the CLI roundsup to the next 30-second increment. For example, if you enter 31, theCLI rounds up to 60.Defaults — 3600 seconds (one hour).Access — Enabled.History — Introduced in MSS Version 4.1.Usage — This command applies to all types of CLI management sessions:console, Telnet, and SSH. The timeout change applies to existing sessionsonly, not to new sessions.Examples — The following command sets the idle timeout to 1800seconds (one half hour):WX1200# set system idle-timeout 1800success: change accepted.See Also clear system on page 42 display system on page 45