1-18public-key peer import sshkeySyntaxpublic-key peer keyname import sshkey filenameundo public-key peer keynameViewSystem viewParameterskeyname: Name of the public key , a string of 1 to 64 characters.filename: Name of a public key file, a string of 1 to 142 characters. For file naming rules, refer to FileSystem Management Command.DescriptionUse the public-key peer import sshkey command to import a peer public key from the public key file.Use the undo public-key peer command to remove the setting.z Only public key files in the format of SSH1, SSH2, or OpenSSH are supported.z Currently, only public keys whose modules are in the range 512 to 2048 bits can be imported to theswitch.z You may use this command to configure an SSH peer’s public key on the current switch. After youissue this command, the system will automatically identify the format of the public key, transformsthe public key into the PKCS format, and saves the public key locally. This public key configurationmethod requires that the public key file be uploaded to the current switch through FTP or TFTP.ExamplesConfigure the devices so that an SSH connection can be set up between the SSH server and an SSHclient using publickey authentication. The following describes key configuration steps related topublickey authentication only.# On the SSH server, configure publickey authentication as the authentication mode for the client. system-viewSystem View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.[Sysname] ssh user client authentication-type publickey# On the SSH client, generate RSA key pairs and export the RSA host public key to a file. system-view[Sysname] public-key local create rsaThe range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,It will take a few minutes.