1-7DescriptionUse the vrrp vlan-interface vrid track command to enable the port tracking function of a VRRP groupon a physical port.Use the undo vrrp vlan-interface vrid track command to disable the port tracking function.After the port tracking function of a VRRP group is enabled on a port, this function will track the linkstatus of the port. If a fault occurs on the port, the function decreases the priority of the switch where theport resides by a specified value.Usually, this function is used to track the status of the uplink port of the master in a VRRP group.Thereby, when the uplink port of the master fails, the master’s priority will decrease by a specified value,so as to trigger a new master election in the VRRP group.z If an IP address owner exists in a VRRP group, the port tracking function configured on the IPaddress owner cannot take effect.z The port to be tracked can be in the VLAN whose VLAN interface has the VRRP group configured.z Up to eight ports can be tracked simultaneously.Examples# Configure that the priority of the switch decreases by 50 if its Ethernet 1/0/1 port fails. system-view[Sysname] vlan 2[Sysname-vlan2] port Ethernet1/0/1[Sysname-vlan2] quit[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/0/1[Sysname-Ethernet1/0/1] vrrp vlan-interface 2 vrid 1 track reduced 50vrrp vrid authentication-modeSyntaxvrrp vrid virtual-router-id authentication-mode authentication-type authentication-keyundo vrrp vrid virtual-router-id authentication-modeViewVLAN interface viewParametersvirtual-router-id: VRRP group ID, ranging from 1 to 255.authentication-type: Authentication type, which can be:z simple: Indicates to perform simple text authentication.z md5: Indicates to perform the authentication by using MD5 algorithm.authentication-key: Authentication key, which can be: