5 Operation5.8.1 Internal Force Limit5-545.8 Limiting ForceThe SERVOPACK provides the following four methods for limiting output force to protect the machine.5.8.1 Internal Force LimitThis function always limits maximum output force by setting values of following parameters.The setting unit is a percentage of rated force.Note 1. Too small a force limit setting will result in insufficient force during acceleration and deceleration.2. The maximum force of the servomotor is used whenever the value exceeds the maximum force is set. (factorysetting is 800%: maximum force)Limiting Method Description ReferenceSectionInternal force limit Always limits force by setting the parameter. 5.8.1External force limit Limits force by input signal from the host controller. 5.8.2Force limiting by analog volt-age reference Assigns a force limit by analog voltage reference. 5.8.3External force limit + Forcelimiting by analog voltage ref-erenceCombines force limiting by an external input and by analog volt-age reference. 5.8.4Pn483Forward Force Limit ClassificationSetting Range Setting Unit Factory Setting When Enabled0 to 800 1% 30 Immediately SetupPn484Reverse Force Limit ClassificationSetting Range Setting Unit Factory Setting When Enabled0 to 800 1% 30 Immediately SetupSpeed Position ForceSpeed Position ForceSpeedMaximum forceVSpeedPn483Pn484Limiting forceVNo Internal Force Limit(Maximum Force Can Be Output)Alalog Monitor OutputInternal Force Limit