5.1 Control Selection5-35 Operation5.1 Control SelectionThe controls supported by the SGDV SERVOPACK are described below.Control can be selected with parameter Pn000.Control SelectionPn.000 Control Description ReferenceSectionn.0(Factory setting)Speed Control(Analog voltagereference)Controls servomotor speed by means of an analog voltage speedreference. Use in the following instances.• To control speed• For position control using the encoder pulse output from theSERVOPACK to form a position loop in the host controller.5.3 Operating UsingSpeed Control withAnalog Voltage Refer-encen.1 Position Control(Pulse train reference)Controls the position of the machine by means of a pulse trainposition reference.Controls the position with the number of input pulses, and con-trols the speed with the input pulse frequency. Use when posi-tioning is required.5.4 Operating UsingPosition Control withPulse Train Referencen.2Force Control(Analog voltage refer-ence)Controls the servomotor’s output force by means of an analogvoltage force reference. Use to output the required amount offorce for operations such as pressing.5.5 Operating UsingForce Control withAnalog Voltage Refer-encen.3Speed Control(Internally set speedselection)Uses the three input signals /P-CON (/SPD-D), /P-CL (/SPD-A),and /N-CL (/SPD-B) to control the speed as set in advance in theSERVOPACK . Three operating speeds can be set in the SER-VOPACK .When selecting this control, an analog reference is not necessary.5.6 Operating UsingSpeed Control with anInternally Set Speedn.4xxxn.BControl SwitchingThese are switching modes for using the four controls describedabove in combination. Select the control switching mode thatbest suits the application.5.7 Control Selection